Join Us

The strength of the Jewish people lies in its unity.
Four thousand years of Jewish history is proof of this.

The One Jewish People Project is initiating a process to encourage our brethren to view each other as fellow Jews.  We live in different continents across the globe. We are loyal citizens of our countries, but we are also family to each other. Our level of observance, political views, nationality or skin color do not change this fact – we are brothers and sisters!

Here’s how you can join this important initiative:

~ Submit an act of kindness here.

~ Follow us on Facebook @OJPPofficial ~

~ Like & share our posts with your network ~

~ Post what inspires unity for you and hashtag it with #OJPP ~

~ Donate to the cause: ~

~ Check out and share our Jewcer campaign ~

We have the power of family to work together to improve our people and the world.

This is a call to DO IT!!! Together!